Visa Summary

This visa is for people who invest AUD5 million in Australian investments that meet certain requirements and maintain business and investment activity in Australia.

This VISA is only available to applicants who are nominated by an Australian State or Territory government. To be nominated, the applicant must lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI) through the SkillSelect system.

This is a 4-year temporary visa, for people willing to make an AUD 5 million investment in Australia. After maintained an investment in Australian for 4 years, the applicant can apply for permanent residence through the Business Innovation & Investment (Residence) Subclass 888 visa.

In order to satisfy the basic eligibility criteria, You must

  • make an investment of AUD5 million that meets our requirements and maintain it for 4 years
  • genuinely commit to living in the state or territory that nominates you

Your Obligations:

You and your family must comply with all visa conditions and Australian laws.

Meet Your Business Obligations:

Under this visa, you must have a genuine and realistic commitment to:

  • live in the state or territory whose government agency nominated you
  • continue business and investment activity in Australia after your visa ends

You must also live in Australia for at least 40 days per year for the duration of your provisional visa. Or your spouse must live for at least 180 days per year for the duration of your provisional visa. These days do not need to be consecutive.

You must also maintain your investment and comply with Australian workplace laws.

Maintain Your Investment

You must also make a complying significant investment of at least AUD5 million over 4 years. You must hold complying significant investments continuously for the life of your provisional visa.

You can switch between complying significant investments if:

  • you reinvest the funds you withdraw from an investment into other complying significant investments within 30 days
  • the sum withdrawn is the same as, or less than, the sum reinvested irrespective of any gains and losses due to market exposures

If you reinvest funds into a complying significant investment within 30 days, we count that as holding them continuously.

If you withdraw funds from venture capital or emerging company investments, you must reinvest the funds into venture capital or emerging companies.

If you withdraw funds from the ‘balancing investment’ category of investments, you can reinvest them into another balancing investment, venture capital or emerging companies.

If you withdraw funds from venture capital because the venture capital investment has been realized, you must reinvest those funds. You can reinvest them in any eligible complying significant investment.

Income that you earn from your complying significant investment in Australia may be subject to tax under Australian taxation law.

Note that the rules that were in force at the time that you applied for your Significant Investor visa will continue to apply for the duration of your visa. This includes any Extension stream visas you apply for that relate to your visa.

You might want to seek independent legal advice to ensure that an investment is a ‘complying significant investment’. It is your responsibility to ensure your investment options comply with this visa’s requirements.

Follow Australian Workplace Laws

All workers in Australia (including visa holders) have rights and protections at work. Pay rates and workplace conditions are set by Australian law.

If you operate a business in Australia, you must comply with workplace laws. The Pay and Conditions Tool (PACT) can help you with:

  • pay rates
  • shift calculations
  • leave arrangements and notice
  • redundancy entitlements